Pauline Joyce Meyer, an American Charismatic Christian author, speaker, and president of Joyce Meyer Ministries, in one of her recent messages, reveals that one of the things you could do for yourself and God, and the powerful ways to serve God is to let God heal your life and be an example to other people.
According to Joyce Meyer, the best way to serve God is to let him set you as an example to others so that you would say if God can do it for me, he will also do it for you.
Child of God, you do not have to stay broken. You do not have to live miserably. You don’t have to live in depression or self-pity. You don’t have to hate and despise yourself. You don’t have to live regret and fear. Because God is living in you, live the life that Jesus Christ died to give you. Glory be to God!
Listen to the message below.