Get the Lyrics of “You Are Yahweh” by Steve Crown. You can also download the PDF file below for offline use.
You are the God
Who was, Who is and is to come
Jesus, Jesus
And in You I trust
My life is in Your Hands
Jesus, You are the Miracle working God
You are Yahweh, eh eh eh
You are Yahweh
You are Yahweh, eh eh eh
You are Yahweh
You are Yahweh
Alpha and Omega
You are Yahweh
Alpha and Omega
You are Yahweh, eh eh eh
You are Yahweh
You are Yahweh, eh eh eh
You are Yahweh
You are Yahweh
Alpha and Omega
You are Yahweh
Alpha and Omega
You are Yahweh, eh eh eh
You are Yahweh
You are Yahweh, eh eh eh
You are Yahweh
You are Yahweh
Alpha and Omega
You are Yahweh
Alpha and Omega
You are Yahweh, eh eh eh
You are Yahweh
You are Yahweh, eh eh eh
You are Yahweh
You are Yahweh
Alpha and Omega
You are Yahweh
Alpha and Omega
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